Education Savings Account Summary of Data
2021-22 School Year as of 06/30/2022
New Student Applicants*
New Applicants by Nonpublic School
New Applicants by Ethnicity and Race
*The Infographic above represents new student data.
Renewal Students
Total 2020-21 Recipients: 332
Renewals for 2021-22: 302
Renewals Enrolled for 2021-22: 292
Total Students
2021-22 Recipients (New + Renewal): 989
Amount of Scholarships for 2021-22: $5,711,625
Participating Nonpublic Schools with recipients enrolled: 143
Total Recipients by Nonpublic School
Total Recipients by Ethnicity and Race
Totals by Year
2020-21 School Year
Total 20-21 Recipients: 332
Amount of Scholarships: $2,936,250
2019-20 School Year
Total 19-20 Recipients: 304
Amount of Scholarships: $2,650,500
2018-19 School Year
Total 18-19 Recipients: 277
Amount of Scholarships: $2,422,697