2019-20 Education Savings Account Recipients by County
2019-20 Education Savings Account Recipients by County
Scroll to the second table to see the list in alphabetical order.
Number of applicants to the Education Savings Account by county
County – Number of Recipients order |
All 2019-20 Recipients |
Guilford | 66 |
Wake | 59 |
Mecklenburg | 43 |
Cumberland | 17 |
Durham | 13 |
Forsyth | 12 |
New Hanover | 8 |
Buncombe | 6 |
Johnston | 6 |
Orange | 6 |
Gaston | 5 |
Union | 5 |
Chatham | 4 |
Henderson | 4 |
Iredell | 4 |
Brunswick | 3 |
Cabarrus | 3 |
Nash | 3 |
Rockingham | 3 |
Wayne | 3 |
Wilson | 3 |
Alamance | 2 |
Harnett | 2 |
Lincoln | 2 |
McDowell | 2 |
Randolph | 2 |
Rowan | 2 |
Stokes | 2 |
Burke | 1 |
Caldwell | 1 |
Carteret | 1 |
Columbus | 1 |
Currituck | 1 |
Davidson | 1 |
Edgecombe | 1 |
Franklin | 1 |
Hoke | 1 |
Lee | 1 |
Person | 1 |
Sampson | 1 |
Stanly | 1 |
Vance | 1 |
Total | 304 |
Number of applicants to the Education Savings Account by county in alphabetical order
County – Alpha order | All 2019-20 Recipients |
Alamance | 2 |
Brunswick | 3 |
Buncombe | 6 |
Burke | 1 |
Cabarrus | 3 |
Caldwell | 1 |
Carteret | 1 |
Chatham | 4 |
Columbus | 1 |
Cumberland | 17 |
Currituck | 1 |
Davidson | 1 |
Durham | 13 |
Edgecombe | 1 |
Forsyth | 12 |
Franklin | 1 |
Gaston | 5 |
Guilford | 66 |
Harnett | 2 |
Henderson | 4 |
Hoke | 1 |
Iredell | 4 |
Johnston | 6 |
Lee | 1 |
Lincoln | 2 |
McDowell | 2 |
Mecklenburg | 43 |
Nash | 3 |
New Hanover | 8 |
Orange | 6 |
Person | 1 |
Randolph | 2 |
Rockingham | 3 |
Rowan | 2 |
Sampson | 1 |
Stanly | 1 |
Stokes | 2 |
Union | 5 |
Vance | 1 |
Wake | 59 |
Wayne | 3 |
Wilson | 3 |
Total | 304 |