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Opportunity Scholarship Summary of Data (Test Page)

Concentric circle graph representing the number of new students who applied for (21,348), were eligible for (17,013), were awarded (17,012), accepted (10,089) and enrolled in a participating school for (9,061) the Opportunity Scholarship as of 05/16/2023

2020-21 School Year as of 04/13/2021

New Student Applicants*

New Applicants by Nonpublic School

New Applicants by Ethnicity and Race

New Applicants by County

*The Infographic above represents new student data. 

Renewal Students

Total 2019-20 Recipients: 12,284

Renewals for 2020-21: 11,260

Renewals Enrolled for 2020-21: 9,387

Total Students

2020-21 Recipients (New + Renewal): 16,030

Amount of Scholarships for 2020-21: $61,241,959

Participating Nonpublic Schools with recipients enrolled: 480

Total Recipients by Nonpublic School

Total Recipients by Ethnicity and Race

Total Recipients by County

Total Disbursements by Nonpublic School

Recipients = unduplicated count of students who received funds for fall, spring, or both





2021-22 School Year as of 04/13/2021

Graph representing the number of new students who applied (16,656), were deemed eligible (12,832), were awarded (12,832), accepted the award (8,505), and enrolled in a participating nonpublic school (6,172) Click here to see larger graph

New Student Applicants

New Applicants by Nonpublic School

New Applicants by Ethnicity and Race

New Applicants by County





Totals by Year

2019-20 School Year

Total  19-20 Recipients: 12,284
Amount of Scholarships: $48,117,458

2018-19 School Year

Total 18-19 Recipients: 9,651
Amount of Scholarships: $37,988,912

2017-18 School Year

Total 17-18 Recipients: 7,371
Amount of Scholarships: $28,058,656

2016-17 School Year

Total 16-17 Recipients: 5,624
Amount of Scholarships: $21,760,837

2015-16 School Year

Total 2015-16 Recipients: 3,682
Amount of Scholarships: $13,159,309

2014-15 School Year

Total 2014-15 Recipients: 1,216
Amount of Scholarships: $4,635,320