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Higher Education Collaborative Advisory Committee

The Higher Education Collaborative Advisory Committee (HECAC) was established by NCSEAA to serve as an advisory body to guide and assist NCSEAA in formulating, developing, and implementing any policies necessary for the proper administration and maintenance of the Residency Determination Service (RDS) for tuition and State-funded financial aid. HECAC is comprised of representatives of The University of North Carolina, the North Carolina Community College System, and the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities.

Forgivable Education Loans for Service Advisory Committee

The Forgivable Education Loans for Service Advisory Committee (the “FELS Advisory Committee”) was established by NCSEAA to serve as an advisory body to guide and assist NCSEAA by making recommendations to the Authority regarding the Authority’s future apportionment and distribution of Forgivable Education Loans for Service Program loans based on projected labor market shortages, higher education enrollment projections, and other relevant information.  The FELS Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from North Carolina higher education institutions and health and labor departments, agencies, or commissions.

The next regular meeting of the FELS Advisory Committee is scheduled for August 13, 2024, at 9 a.m., located in the Fishbowl at NCSEAA’s offices.