Explore K12 Funding
Explore K12 Funding
9/24/24 – On September 20th, the Governor vetoed House Bill 10. Sections 6.4-6.5A of House Bill10 would provide additional funding for the Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+ programs. In order for the bill to become law and funds for these programs to become available, both the House and Senate must override the Governor’s veto. The General Assembly is scheduled to reconvene October 9th, November 19th – November 22nd, and December 11th – December 13th at which time they may consider veto override votes among other matters. While both the House and Senate must override the veto, they are not required to do so on the same day.
If the General Assembly overrides the Governor’s veto and additional funds become available, SEAA will begin awarding eligible students whose applications were received during the priority period (February 1 – March 1, 2024) as soon as possible.
Check back for further updates and continue to check your MyPortal account for additional information.
Two scholarship programs are available to North Carolina families, the Opportunity Scholarship program, and the Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program for students with disabilities. Families may apply to more than one program, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements of each.
The Opportunity Scholarship Program
Suitable for: North Carolina students entering kindergarten through 12th grade
A student’s scholarship amount is based on a family’s household income and can be used to pay the required tuition and fees for an eligible private school.
The Education Student Accounts (ESA+) Program
Suitable for: North Carolina students with disabilities, including homeschooled students with disabilities*
The Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program is available to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Funds can be used to pay school tuition, as well as expenses such as speech therapy, tutoring services, and educational technology for families who home school their students.
*Student must have an eligibility determination from a North Carolina Individualized Education Program (IEP) dated within the last three years.
School Administrators
Do you represent a school that is interested in participating in K12 Programs, or needs to manage its participation in an existing Program? Find out how to register your school, determine student eligibility, and process payments.
Did you Know?
In 2018, K12 families gained another option to help pay tuition expenses for K12 schools through North Carolina’s National College Savings Program (also known as a “529 account”). Families can now use 529 accounts to save and pay for tuition expenses for nonpublic K12 schools under certain conditions.