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2020-21 Applicants by County

Scroll to the second table to see the list in alphabetical order.

Number of applicants to the Disabilities Grant by county

County –
Applicant Order
All 2020-21
Mecklenburg 290
Wake 272
Guilford 177
Cumberland 166
Forsyth 87
Union 83
Durham 70
Buncombe 64
Johnston 49
Onslow 49
Cabarrus 41
Orange 41
Hoke 35
New Hanover 33
Harnett 30
Rowan 30
Iredell 28
Wilson 28
Davidson 26
Rutherford 26
Nash 23
Pitt 23
Wayne 20
Alamance 19
Gaston 19
Randolph 19
Craven 18
Person 18
Catawba 17
Henderson 17
Moore 16
Franklin 15
Pasquotank 14
Chatham 13
Lee 13
Davie 11
Lincoln 10
Montgomery 10
Sampson 10
Granville 9
Robeson 9
Alexander 8
Beaufort 8
Brunswick 8
Jones 7
Scotland 7
Burke 6
Duplin 6
Haywood 6
Macon 6
Stanly 6
Surry 6
Vance 6
Wilkes 6
Cleveland 5
Hyde 5
Lenoir 5
Pender 5
Stokes 5
Columbus 4
Edgecombe 4
Hertford 4
Washington 4
Carteret 3
Rockingham 3
Warren 3
Bladen 2
Caldwell 2
Cherokee 2
Chowan 2
Currituck 2
Greene 2
Madison 2
McDowell 2
Northampton 2
Polk 2
Richmond 2
Transylvania 2
Yadkin 2
Yancey 2
Ashe 1
Caswell 1
Halifax 1
Jackson 1
Martin 1
Mitchell 1
Pamlico 1
Unknown 1
Total 2,120

Number of applicants to the Disabilities Grant by county in alphabetical order

County –
Alpha Order
All 2020-21
Alamance 19
Alexander 8
Ashe 1
Beaufort 8
Bladen 2
Brunswick 8
Buncombe 64
Burke 6
Cabarrus 41
Caldwell 2
Carteret 3
Caswell 1
Catawba 17
Chatham 13
Cherokee 2
Chowan 2
Cleveland 5
Columbus 4
Craven 18
Cumberland 166
Currituck 2
Davidson 26
Davie 11
Duplin 6
Durham 70
Edgecombe 4
Forsyth 87
Franklin 15
Gaston 19
Granville 9
Greene 2
Guilford 177
Halifax 1
Harnett 30
Haywood 6
Henderson 17
Hertford 4
Hoke 35
Hyde 5
Iredell 28
Jackson 1
Johnston 49
Jones 7
Lee 13
Lenoir 5
Lincoln 10
Macon 6
Madison 2
Martin 1
McDowell 2
Mecklenburg 290
Mitchell 1
Montgomery 10
Moore 16
Nash 23
New Hanover 33
Northampton 2
Onslow 49
Orange 41
Pamlico 1
Pasquotank 14
Pender 5
Person 18
Pitt 23
Polk 2
Randolph 19
Richmond 2
Robeson 9
Rockingham 3
Rowan 30
Rutherford 26
Sampson 10
Scotland 7
Stanly 6
Stokes 5
Surry 6
Transylvania 2
Union 83
Vance 6
Wake 272
Warren 3
Washington 4
Wayne 20
Wilkes 6
Wilson 28
Yadkin 2
Yancey 2
Unknown 1
Total 2,120