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The North Carolina Teaching Fellows-STEM Program (TFP-S) was established by the General Assembly in 2017 to provide forgivable loans to qualified students pursuing college degrees to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (“STEM”) or special education in the North Carolina public school system. The Program provides accelerated loan forgiveness for teachers who service their loans by working in a North Carolina public school identified as low performing* (receiving a school performance grade of D or F and earning a school growth score “met expected growth” or “not met expected growth.”)

A recipient who graduates from an Approved Educator Preparation Program and secures a qualifying position may apply to repay the loan obligation through loan forgiveness. Recipients must complete loan forgiveness within ten (10) years of graduation from the Program.

Recipients who do not graduate from the Program or who do not work in a qualified position will be required to repay the loan in cash.

How to apply for loan forgiveness.

In order to qualify for loan forgiveness, you must graduate from an Approved Educator Preparation Program and secure a qualified position in a North Carolina Public School. One loan will be forgiven for one year of full-time employment as a teacher in a qualified position in a North Carolina public school identified as low performing, or two years of full-time employment as a teacher in a qualified position in a North Carolina public school not identified as low performing.

To apply for loan forgiveness, you must follow the steps outlined below. You are responsible for submitting the appropriate forms to SEAA on time.

  1. Notify NCSEAA of your intent to repay through loan forgiveness within ninety (90) days after graduation from or completion of an Approved Educator Preparation Program. You should notify NCSEAA even though you may not have secured a qualifying position. You may complete this process during the exit interview process on the Student Portal or through Repayment Services at (919) 549-8614, ext 4654 or (800) 700-1775, ext 4654.
  2. Secure a qualified position. You should contact Repayment Services prior to accepting a position to determine whether the position qualifies for loan forgiveness.
  3. Complete a Teaching Fellows Loan Forgiveness Application and return it to NCSEAA for approval.

What is the loan forgiveness repayment rate of the TFP-S program?

One loan will be forgiven for one year of full-time employment as a teacher in a qualified position in a North Carolina public school identified as low performing, or two years of full-time employment as a teacher in a qualified position in a North Carolina public school not identified as low performing.

What is a qualified position? Am I required to work in a designated shortage area in North Carolina?

You may qualify for loan forgiveness by working full-time as a STEM or special education teacher in a North Carolina public school. You should contact Repayment Services staff prior to accepting a position to determine whether the position qualifies for loan forgiveness. All positions must be approved by NCSEAA.

How long do I have to repay my TFP-S loan obligation through loan forgiveness?

You must complete your loan forgiveness obligation within ten (10) years of graduation from the Program.

What if I change my worksite?

If there is a worksite change before you complete your TFP-S forgiveness obligation, you must seek approval from the SEAA prior to the change to ensure the new site qualifies for loan forgiveness.

What if I have a break in employment?

If you have a break in employment prior to completing your obligation, you should notify NCSEAA immediately of the status change. If you no longer work in a position that qualifies for loan forgiveness, you must repay the loan in cash. If you cannot remit a scheduled payment when due, you may apply for a deferment to delay repayment for a period approved by NCSEAA. Interest will continue to accrue during the deferment period.

How do I apply for deferment?

To apply for deferment, you must submit a Postponement/Deferment Form to NCSEAA for approval. See TFP-S Deferment for eligible deferments.

What happens if I cannot fulfill my loan forgiveness obligation?

You made a commitment to repay this scholarship-loan when you signed the promissory note accepting educational funding from SEAA. If you cannot repay the scholarship-loan through loan forgiveness, then you must repay it in cash within ten (10) years of graduation or withdrawal from the Program. For additional instructions on cash repayment, visit TFP-S Cash Repayment.

Whom should I contact if I have additional questions concerning my TFP-S loan?

Additional information is available in the Program Rules or you may contact Repayment Services staff between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.


*Please note that for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, the United States Department of Education and the North Carolina General Assembly granted North Carolina waivers from school accountability (School Performance Grades). For the most current data regarding low performing status, please refer to 2018-2019 data.